luni, 25 ianuarie 2010

Body language or how to sit

Show me the way you sit and I’ll tell you what you are thinking…Body language can sometimes say more than the most elaborate speech. We use it every day as a basic, involuntary form of communication. It is the language which informs of attitudes, preferences and feelings. Much can be inferred from the way we sit, which seems to represent a spontaneous expression of our character or mood, but is also affected by many external factors.
For example:
A person who sits comfortably in the whole seat makes a statement such as “this place is rightfully mine, I intend to stay here for as long as I wish and I will not be got rid of easily”.

If someone sits cautiously on the edge of the chair and his or her centre of gravity is directly above the toes, the immediate impulse expressed is the desire to get up at any time. The message communicated in this way is “I haven’t got much time and want to leave as soon as I can”.

Anyone occupying just half of the seat as if the other half is left for someone else is said to exhibit a lack of self-confidence.

If you fall down into your seat as if your body is heavy and tired, you may in fact be tired, but what you communicate is a lack of direction, will or backbone.

Those who sit on the chair back to front appear to hide behind the mask of carelessness and casual behaviour; but what is truly expressed is indecisiveness and a desire for a hiding place and protection.

Rocking in the chair and leaning backward is the position of the observer. People who sit like this are usually opinionated and are only waiting for the right moment to express what they are already settled on.

Sitting on the arm expresses familiarity, perhaps with a slight desire to dominate your interlocutors and the whole scene.

These are only some of the examples of what your body language says about you. We are preparing a whole new section called “saying without speaking”, which will tell you much more about the way people sit and the involuntary, wordless messages they send.

birouri speciale pentru calculatoare. pentru adevaratii pasionati

puteti gasi aceste birouri la artenter, contactand reprezentantii de vanzari de aici. toni matei. 0721867777.

joi, 21 ianuarie 2010



Neron RON 93.00
Amaro RON 75.00
Neron Hoker RON 124.00
Jola RON 105.00
Baza Café RON 72.00
Baza Gala RON 145.00
Baza Rozana RON 96.00
Baza Tracy RON 108.00
Blat masa PAL 120x80cm RON 127.00
Blat masa PAL 80*80 RON 96.00
Blat masa PAL D60 RON 78.00
Blat masa PAL D80 NE RON 90.00
Blat masa Werzalit D80cm W019 beech RON 117.00
Tantal RON 373.00
Kendo RON 256.00
Cretos RON 256.00
Premier (ALB) RON 2157.00
Senator RON 1316.00

**Oferta este valabila in limita stocului disponibil pana la 31.01.2010

Pentru detalii referitoare la culori, transport, montaj va rugam sa ne contactati.

Art Enter
toni matei reprezentant vanzari 0721867777
021 322 49 56/fax. 021 322 91 06


artEnter a fost infiintata ca societate cu raspundere limitata fiind o companie cu capital integral romanesc in anul 1999 si are sediul social in municipiul Bucuresti, calea Vitan Nr. 8, Bl. V52, Sc. 2 Ap. 40, sector 3.
MOBILIERUL nostru poate utila o diversitate de spatii: operational,
directorial, spatii comerciale, de prezentare sau de depozitare, restaurante, baruri, cafenele, sali de conferinta, mobilier pentru locuine, s.a.

In prezent artEnter isi desfasoara activitatea in doua puncte de lucru si anume:

sediul social din Calea Vitan
depozitul din orasul Pantelimon unde este amenajat si un SHOWROOM, fiind expuse aici o parte din produse

Va invitam sa ne vizitati la Showroom-ul nostru din oras Pantelimon, Str. Sf. Calinic, nr. 11 in zilele de Luni-Vineri intre orele 09:00 si 17.30.

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